Demonstration of MTA on the Night of scientists
event_note 21.09.2019 person adminOn the 27. 9. 2019, the MTA team specialized on natural language processing demonastrates our products on the Night of sicentists.
Perception of Mobile Phone Brands
event_note 20.09.2019 person adminWe have analysed thousands of mobile phone reviews, using our MTA software. We were interested in the way how users rate battery life or camera.
(Česky) Automatizace strategií pro diskreční obchodníky
event_note 28.08.2019 person admin(Česky) Je mnoho diskrečních obchodníků, kteří výměnou za svůj úspěch musí trávit dlouhé hodiny před monitorem a čekat, až nastane jejich obchodní příležitost.
Performance of tested strategies
event_note 26.08.2019 person WebmasterOur reporting application delivers results such as cumulated yield, maximum drawdown, Sharpe Ratio, as well as the behavior of these variables for the underlying asset.
A New Trading System Test
event_note 13.08.2019 person adminOur R&D team developing tools for asset optimization and management, cooperating with Mendel University in Brno has launched a new trading system.
Barcamp report
event_note 09.08.2019 person adminOn July 31, 2019, a meeting of representatives of companies and universities took place in Bielefeld, Germany.