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a message.
opinio offers new product categories
event_note 05.07.2020 person adminWe have recently prepared the Smart Watch and Television categories for the opinio application.
Analysis of financial articles
event_note 03.07.2020 person adminJust enter the ticker name. We will return a list of current articles, including a brief summary of the key information provided in the article.
The first rebalance of StockPickingLab
event_note person adminThere are various specifics associated with trading, which we will point out to you through our articles, so that you can avoid them in your practice or learn from them.
Momentum Formula report JULY 19 – MAY 20
event_note 11.05.2020 person adminATS Momentum Formula results in real operation, including the market fees.
Stock Picker report APRIL-MAY 2020
event_note 06.05.2020 person adminFirst results of our Stock Picker in real-time operation.
Promotion – Multicriterial Text Analysis (MTA)
event_note 11.10.2019 person adminMTA Software has reached an advanced development stage. Therefore, it is time for promotion.